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Cafe Adım Başı

Komedi 7-yas-ve-uzeri-icin olumsuz-ornek-olusturabilecek-davranislar


Zeynep Çamcı Emrah Kaman Burak Serdar Şanal Burak Satıbol Şenay Gürler

Three white-collar dreamers decide to open a cafe with a very little capital. But this adventure will turn into something they haven't dreamed of. Because, none of them has any experience about running a cafe… and this is going to be harder than they expect.

Hemen üye ol, cepte, tablette, bilgisayarda, istediğin zaman, istediğin yerde exxen.com, Google Play, AppGallery, App Store, Apple TV ve Android TV'den izlemeye başla.